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Photography and Music help me cope with stress physical pain and anxiety.

I gain invaluable knowledge from available online Photography webcasts and videos provided by Professional Photographers, Amateur Photographers and Visual Arts Creatives alike. They show me how to see the world in a different way. These are people who take their valuable time out of their own schedules to share their vast experiences ,in depth visions and knowledge with others around the world,.

I truly appreciate what they give.

Music gives me courage and inspiration to try . To have an opportunity to overcome obstacles that may be holding me back. Music, although invisible can be like that sometimes annoying friend or fiend, the angel in your heart or devil whispering in your ear. The chaotics and the clowns that can lift you up or drag you down. Music is a universal language and I am thankful for that. I am thankful for all of the Music makers , the Creators who stir the soul which makes me a better person. I try to take the good .let go of the bad and forgive the in between .

Without Music where we would all be?

I am grateful for the light which cuts through darkness into the night. And curious fire flies who chat to led lights. I am also most grateful for family and friends.Having said all that, sometimes, well, mostly, I loop on repeat of all the above, trying to figure it all out,.Sometimes i break the rules because I can’t “see through the hype” if breaking the rules is not completely wrong, I suppose the outcome can still be right.

Some people ask me about the name of my website Tectoinic Realism . The term “Tectonic” as realted to paintings and art re: Renaisannce period, is “ a composition where the eye’s attention is limited to the space within the represented scene , defined through use of the vanishing point , the single point to which all lines in a picture lead.” Realism” representing depth, recession and perfecting the tecnique of perspective, as it relates to realistic relations dipicting developement .true to life.

My name is Bev my dog Kelso and I shoot a lot of photography. Kelso passed away late last year , he was the best dog ever,. I miss him the most , everyday. I have a large library of photographs and have never really shared many photos. I have been hesitant in posting my night pictures. I suppose because they are more personal to me than photos I take in the daytime.

Most of my photos are straight out of camera with minor edits like cropping . I rarely if ever use a flash.I don’t get many opportunities to take pictures of people although I like taking candid street photography shots. Kelso was my favorite model.

Im not sure if I have developed a photography “style” yet. maybe I will post some more “mainstream” photos next month .

I currently use a Pentax K5, Pentax X5 and was using a Canon Rebel T5 but the lenses no longer communicate with the body. I also used a borrowed Sony for a few months . I would like to perhaps one day sell some photos in order to update my gear and storage.

I created the design for my logo (horse and camera) and inserted it in clipart wing crest.

I hope you enjoy checking out what I see, or dont.. All of my photos are straight out of camera some with minor edits and alot are out of focus I guess thats one of my styles .

October 2020

I am posting a few photos in a series of light photos I have taken. Most of my photos do not render well with edits they are what they are. I guess some of m,y photos are more artistic than normal photos. Alot of strange things show up on my photos I only notice them when I check the camera later during the night . Sometimes I get really strange photos when i am depressed or sad. Im not really sure why . Sometimes my camera will stop or be busy while shooting and interupts the shot then i get amazed at what the photo looks like. Some of my photos are the type that need to be looked at for a few minutes in order to see details in them. And some look different when viewed at a distance. Hope you like them.

I will probably be focusing this webpage on my night photography and might start another page for day time photos in the future. I feel more compelled to continue with night photos more than daytime photos at this time.

Dec 2021

my Pentax x5 died. shoot! I’m down to one camera now.

March 2021

I got a large amountof strange photos still going through them

April 2021

Wow one week into April . I was feeling pretty emotional with this new series of photos

I have been catching up on some things, have to resize them almost ready to post. not sure if I should

change up my webpage format . maybe. I should be posting them by the end of the week.

October 2021

I have noticed recently that several people are inspired by my photography .

And while I truly do appreciate that I am to be considered to be such an influencer , I am also truly grateful that I am privileged to be able to capture these unusual photos.

February 2022

Hey been away for a bit destressing , taking photos. feeling better ! A few of the places i post photos tp were compromised

but have been working on restructuring some things. More to come. keep well.

April 2022

For those who know who you are

Not sure if your just having fun or trying to shine light on me?

But positioning your car inches away from my car and blaring your high beams at me

and just sitting there is pretty creepy and why run into your vehicles and hide when you see me why not just say hi?

Have fun be respectful remember

Love and Light

April 2023

Been homeless for a year now, sadly been on an affordable housing wait list for 13, but I am so grateful to have had such awesome support during this time. I will continue to try to make things change for the better this year.

I have been fortunate enough to be able to continue working on my photography.

I am looking forward to restructuring my webpage in the next few weeks to post more of my photos. Also looking forward to checking out new features of Squarespace.

Have a great day!

June 2023

Oct 2023

Posting new photos from October 7 to 9th 2023 weekend at Shannonville Motorsport Park .

Thankyou to the Shannonville Motorsport Park owners for allowing me to photograph many of the events. It was an awesome weekend.

I am still using my old reliable Pentax K5 and have just recently purchased Photoshop for minor color and size edits. Some photos I found interesting and played around with colors.

I am continuing to edit more photos in the coming weeks from the race weekend at Shannonville.

Event photos are [posted under Drift Car and Drag Racing Shannonville October 2023 on menu.

Have a Great Day! Check out the Drift and Drag photos I will be posting every few days.

I always resize my photos small for posting online resolution may not appear as the best quality.

Also keep in mind that my photography is copyrighted and my contact information is provided below.

Please keep in mind that my photography is copyrighted and contact information is located below.


Bev Forsyth ,© Photographer, TECTONIC REALISM.COM


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