I started here I got lots of weird captures on my camer, that huge hydro box changed alot I I have lots more weird photos of this hydro box from tha tnight also.
I captured lots of weird photos, i am leaning out my car window taking photos this weird face is in front ofme. this is at the entreance of the Iroquois forest.
Then the faces just keep changing. I did the prayer asking for my angels and arch angel Micheal to keep me from harm. I think they are the ones in my car. I think they have a sense of humour. I think they were trying to scare me here but i didnt get that scared.The faces this night were definately scarier than other times.
I think this is my African American angel. I recognize his nose. He laughs alot when i talk to him.
They like to play with my camera and get infront of my photos.
I think im begining to understand alot more who these images manifest I just am not sure if i should say anything right now.
this is a shot of my rear view mirror.
I get xs alot and now 7s alot in my photos. sometime s i ask outload if its ok t pst these photos online wheni get werid shtos then xs start showing up on photos i assume because my phtoo card has a big x on the back that an x i n a photo confirms its ok. its weird it s like im having conversations with invisible entities which only show up on my camera yet they seem to be talking back . just weird
This big mass of red light was in front of my drivers seat in front of the. I get this light in other forests as well.I dont know what the difference between the red mass and the blue masses of light i experience are. these werid things just appear on my camera.
The following are a series of photos i took at the Church graveyard in the parking lot. There is one coach light far behind with a yellow glow that is on an on and off timer.
I keep seeing the number 7 in my photos sorme are upside down some reveresed.
I was taking shots of my car from outside at the chruch. Here is the series of weird shots i got. I was really shocked to see the red in my car because i have seen it in front of drivess side in front of my car at a few forests lately. but here it is in my passenger seat.
kindof looks like 2 nuns to me the only light source there was the yellow garden light outside no lights in my car but this stuff happened
this guy was upside down i turned him right side p this was infront of my car
phtoo from my drivers side window I have lots more photos will post some later.